These Rules were adopted in 1977:
1.1 The name of the Club shall be the FARNHAM ROLLER HOCKEY CLUB (the Club) and shall be directly affiliated to the NATIONAL ROLLER HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (the NRHA).
1.2 The primary object of the Club shall be to afford facilities for the basic training and playing of Roller Hockey in an amateur capacity and give equal opportunities for all.
1.3 The entire management of the Club shall consist of the: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity & Promotions Officer and current Team Managers (together the Committee).
1.4 Members of the Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of those ordinary members of the Club present at the AGM and shall retire each year, but shall be eligible for re-election without nomination.
1.5 Any ordinary member desiring to nominate another member to sit on the Committee shall forward such nomination, duly proposes and seconded in writing, to the Secretary no later than 14 clear days before the AGM, together with written consent of the member so nominated to serve if elected.
1.6 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt new members of the Club on to the Committee for specific purposes or to fill a vacancy until the next AGM.
1.7 The Committee shall meet as and when necessary.
1.8 The power to elect new members of the Club shall be vested in the Committee.
1.9 The Committee shall have the power to appoint such sub-committee's as maybe deemed necessary.
1.10 A member may resign from the Club by giving the Secretary notice in writing thereof but any member resigning without having paid his/her subscription for and up to that date shall be liable for the same.
1.11 Any person shall be eligible for consideration as an ordinary member.
1.12 In addition to ordinary members, the Committee shall have the power to elect such persons as they see fit as Honorary Members of the Club.
1.13 The Committee may appoint a Patron, President, Vice-President, Associate and Honorary Members as they deem necessary.
1.14 No business relating to the Club or its members may be undertaken without permission from the Committee. To obtain permission, the Secretary should be informed in writing. and the Committee's decision will be notified.
1.15 Any matters relating to the sport of Roller Hockey Should be addressed to the secretary, who will endeavor to resolve the matter in conjunction with the Committee.
1.16 In the event of the Club ceasing to function, the assets of the Club, i.e. the goals, sticks, balls, protective equipment and the funds held in the Club account are to be, after all outstanding debts are cleared, given over to a club or organization that has similar aims and objectives to ours.
2.1 Membership is confined to amateurs as defined by the NRHA.
2.2 Every member shall pay an annual membership in the form of NRHA registration fixed at committee level in accordance with the NRHA. In addition to the annual registration, l0 monthly subscriptions shall be charged by way of standing order, which can be changed at a committee meeting by a majority vote if accommodation costs alter.
2.3 All annual registrations and subscription shall become due in June each year and no member shall be entitled to vote at the AGM unless his/her registration and subscriptions shall have been previously paid.
2.4 Subscriptions will include:
2.4.1 fees for playing in any National, League or Cup Match for the Club, and
2.4.2 fees for participating in any training of his/her age group and cover under the NRHA insurance (third party only) while taking part in matches and training.
2.5 Subscriptions will NOT include:
2.5.1 foreign trips or,
2.5.2 invitation matches
2.6 If any member has not paid his/her monthly subscription, then he/she will not be able to play for any team within the Club.
2.7 Registration covers any member by way of NRHA insurance (third party only) and includes entry (fees are paid by the Club to enter league and cup competitions each season) into national and regional league and cup competitions.
2.8 If any member shall fail to pay his/her annual registration within 14 days after it has become due, the Treasurer shall send him/her a notice in writing calling for him/her to pay within 7 days.
2.9 If he/she shall fail to pay his/her annual registration, the Committee shall be entitled to expel him/her from membership of the Club without further notice.
2.10 Any member expelled under the last proceeding rule or otherwise, shall forfeit all rights and claim upon the Club and its property.
3.1 The Secretary is required to give at least 4 weeks’ notice of the Annual General Meeting.
3.2 The business of the meeting will be:
3.2.1 receive a report from the Chairman.
3.2.2 receive and consider a report from the Secretary.
3.2.3 receive and consider a report from the Treasurer.
3.2.4 receive and consider a report from the Head Coach.
3.2.5 receive and consider a report from the Publicity & Promotions Officer.
3.2.6 receive current reports from the Team Managers.
3.2.7 elect from the Membership, Officers to all positions on The Committee.
3.2.8 elect any new President or Vice President ( if necessary).
3.2.9 discuss recommendations by The Treasurer and to agree and set subscription/fees for the following season.
3.2.10 deal with any propositions of which notice has been given to the Secretary at least 2 weeks before the meeting.
3.2.11 discuss any other business raised at the meeting.
3.3 One vote is allowed to each member over the age of 16 years, or to a parent of each member under the age of 16 years, who has paid their annual registration and providing their subscriptions are up to date.
4.1 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time and shall be convened within 21 days on the requisition by notice in writing to the Secretary of not less than 6 ordinary members of the Club.
4.2 Such requisitions must state the purpose for which the meeting is required.
4.3 A quorum for meetings will be at least half the total number of officers on the Committee.
4.4 All decisions taken at committee meetings will be based on a simple majority, one vote per member; the Chairman having the casting vote.
5.1 Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer.
6.1 Resignation of Officers should be made in writing to the Secretary.
6.2 Discretionary powers are given to the Committee to deal with any matter not covered in the rules.
6.3 None of the above may be altered except by resolution at an Annual or Special General Meeting.
6.4 Any member acting in a manner derogatory to the Club or refusing to comply with the rules will have their conduct assessed by the Committee, which will afford the right of explanation in attendance at an interview and in writing. The power of expulsion will require a vote by the Committee at a committee meeting.
6.5 If any business relating to the Club or its members is undertaken without permission from the Committee, the person responsible will be asked to explain their reasons at the next committee meeting. If the person continues to ignore the Club committee, action will be taken, the person will be disciplined if it is within the Committee's power, or all other people involved in the business (not members of the Club) will be asked by the Committee not to deal with the offending person on any matter relating to the Club.
6.6 Team members competing in any tournament, either in Britain or abroad, are required to stay in their complete kit until the closing ceremony and presentations have been completed,
6.7 No member will be allowed to play for another roller hockey club without the consent of the Committee. Application to do so should be made through the Secretary.
6.8 Upon joining the Club, new members will be handed a copy of the constitution and rules.
This constitution amended, signed and dated.
Alison Ousey
Position: Secretary
Date: 26-07-2023
1.1 The name of the Club shall be the FARNHAM ROLLER HOCKEY CLUB (the Club) and shall be directly affiliated to the NATIONAL ROLLER HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (the NRHA).
1.2 The primary object of the Club shall be to afford facilities for the basic training and playing of Roller Hockey in an amateur capacity and give equal opportunities for all.
1.3 The entire management of the Club shall consist of the: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity & Promotions Officer and current Team Managers (together the Committee).
1.4 Members of the Committee shall be elected by a majority vote of those ordinary members of the Club present at the AGM and shall retire each year, but shall be eligible for re-election without nomination.
1.5 Any ordinary member desiring to nominate another member to sit on the Committee shall forward such nomination, duly proposes and seconded in writing, to the Secretary no later than 14 clear days before the AGM, together with written consent of the member so nominated to serve if elected.
1.6 The Committee shall have the power to co-opt new members of the Club on to the Committee for specific purposes or to fill a vacancy until the next AGM.
1.7 The Committee shall meet as and when necessary.
1.8 The power to elect new members of the Club shall be vested in the Committee.
1.9 The Committee shall have the power to appoint such sub-committee's as maybe deemed necessary.
1.10 A member may resign from the Club by giving the Secretary notice in writing thereof but any member resigning without having paid his/her subscription for and up to that date shall be liable for the same.
1.11 Any person shall be eligible for consideration as an ordinary member.
1.12 In addition to ordinary members, the Committee shall have the power to elect such persons as they see fit as Honorary Members of the Club.
1.13 The Committee may appoint a Patron, President, Vice-President, Associate and Honorary Members as they deem necessary.
1.14 No business relating to the Club or its members may be undertaken without permission from the Committee. To obtain permission, the Secretary should be informed in writing. and the Committee's decision will be notified.
1.15 Any matters relating to the sport of Roller Hockey Should be addressed to the secretary, who will endeavor to resolve the matter in conjunction with the Committee.
1.16 In the event of the Club ceasing to function, the assets of the Club, i.e. the goals, sticks, balls, protective equipment and the funds held in the Club account are to be, after all outstanding debts are cleared, given over to a club or organization that has similar aims and objectives to ours.
2.1 Membership is confined to amateurs as defined by the NRHA.
2.2 Every member shall pay an annual membership in the form of NRHA registration fixed at committee level in accordance with the NRHA. In addition to the annual registration, l0 monthly subscriptions shall be charged by way of standing order, which can be changed at a committee meeting by a majority vote if accommodation costs alter.
2.3 All annual registrations and subscription shall become due in June each year and no member shall be entitled to vote at the AGM unless his/her registration and subscriptions shall have been previously paid.
2.4 Subscriptions will include:
2.4.1 fees for playing in any National, League or Cup Match for the Club, and
2.4.2 fees for participating in any training of his/her age group and cover under the NRHA insurance (third party only) while taking part in matches and training.
2.5 Subscriptions will NOT include:
2.5.1 foreign trips or,
2.5.2 invitation matches
2.6 If any member has not paid his/her monthly subscription, then he/she will not be able to play for any team within the Club.
2.7 Registration covers any member by way of NRHA insurance (third party only) and includes entry (fees are paid by the Club to enter league and cup competitions each season) into national and regional league and cup competitions.
2.8 If any member shall fail to pay his/her annual registration within 14 days after it has become due, the Treasurer shall send him/her a notice in writing calling for him/her to pay within 7 days.
2.9 If he/she shall fail to pay his/her annual registration, the Committee shall be entitled to expel him/her from membership of the Club without further notice.
2.10 Any member expelled under the last proceeding rule or otherwise, shall forfeit all rights and claim upon the Club and its property.
3.1 The Secretary is required to give at least 4 weeks’ notice of the Annual General Meeting.
3.2 The business of the meeting will be:
3.2.1 receive a report from the Chairman.
3.2.2 receive and consider a report from the Secretary.
3.2.3 receive and consider a report from the Treasurer.
3.2.4 receive and consider a report from the Head Coach.
3.2.5 receive and consider a report from the Publicity & Promotions Officer.
3.2.6 receive current reports from the Team Managers.
3.2.7 elect from the Membership, Officers to all positions on The Committee.
3.2.8 elect any new President or Vice President ( if necessary).
3.2.9 discuss recommendations by The Treasurer and to agree and set subscription/fees for the following season.
3.2.10 deal with any propositions of which notice has been given to the Secretary at least 2 weeks before the meeting.
3.2.11 discuss any other business raised at the meeting.
3.3 One vote is allowed to each member over the age of 16 years, or to a parent of each member under the age of 16 years, who has paid their annual registration and providing their subscriptions are up to date.
4.1 A Special General Meeting may be called at any time and shall be convened within 21 days on the requisition by notice in writing to the Secretary of not less than 6 ordinary members of the Club.
4.2 Such requisitions must state the purpose for which the meeting is required.
4.3 A quorum for meetings will be at least half the total number of officers on the Committee.
4.4 All decisions taken at committee meetings will be based on a simple majority, one vote per member; the Chairman having the casting vote.
5.1 Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer.
6.1 Resignation of Officers should be made in writing to the Secretary.
6.2 Discretionary powers are given to the Committee to deal with any matter not covered in the rules.
6.3 None of the above may be altered except by resolution at an Annual or Special General Meeting.
6.4 Any member acting in a manner derogatory to the Club or refusing to comply with the rules will have their conduct assessed by the Committee, which will afford the right of explanation in attendance at an interview and in writing. The power of expulsion will require a vote by the Committee at a committee meeting.
6.5 If any business relating to the Club or its members is undertaken without permission from the Committee, the person responsible will be asked to explain their reasons at the next committee meeting. If the person continues to ignore the Club committee, action will be taken, the person will be disciplined if it is within the Committee's power, or all other people involved in the business (not members of the Club) will be asked by the Committee not to deal with the offending person on any matter relating to the Club.
6.6 Team members competing in any tournament, either in Britain or abroad, are required to stay in their complete kit until the closing ceremony and presentations have been completed,
6.7 No member will be allowed to play for another roller hockey club without the consent of the Committee. Application to do so should be made through the Secretary.
6.8 Upon joining the Club, new members will be handed a copy of the constitution and rules.
This constitution amended, signed and dated.
Alison Ousey
Position: Secretary
Date: 26-07-2023